Matija Solce
The Hatchet
An intermedia cabaret based on motifs from the short story Martin Krpan by Fran Levstik
Teatro Matita
Première 16. junij 2021, Galerija Krpan, Cerknica
Running time 1 hour. No intermission.
Post-performance discussion
Director, composer Matija Solce
Set designer Larisa Kazič
Puppet makers Brane Solce, Sanja Fidler
Filip Šebšajevič, Miha Arh, Miha Razdrih, Matija Solce, Tines Špik
The Hatchet dissembles and reassembles Martin Krpan, his mare and the entire Viennese court. Instead of in the former imperial capital, the five puppeteers, actors and musicians find themselves next to a hearth in an Inner Carniolan tavern. In its work, the Teatro Matita collective, which includes acclaimed alternative puppet artists, merges the theatre of objects with drama and music. The multi-talented performers reinterpret Levstik’s well-known story but place its motifs into a new context and rearrange them in a dynamic composition. The publican’s Inner Carniolan dialect spontaneously intertwines with the accordion, rock, situational comedy, specific objects, precisely made puppetry elements and improvised passages. The intermedia puppet cabaret The Hatchet is an interactive, relaxed yet complex socio-critical production that uniquely merges elements of alternative conceptual art and a rural comedy.